Which whom and where ?

The association leads artistic and social projects in Switzerland and abroad, based on field diagnoses carried out by the team. Through its projects, the association fosters the strengthening of social ties, integration and support for isolated and marginalized populations through the use of various artistic disciplines such as music, dance, poetry, graphic arts, etc.

Overseas Culture Interchange focuses on raising awareness and promoting equality as a means of achieving greater social justice. The association supports vulnerable populations by setting up projects to promote social cohesion and the integration of isolated communities.

Targeted socio-artistic projects have accompanied the following populations:

-underprivileged and marginalized children: Kitchen#Natal in Brazil's favelas
-Syrian refugees: Kitchen#Beirut in Lebanon
-street children and orphans: Kitchen#Madagascar in different regions of the country
-incarcerated people: Kitchen#Madagascar in correctional homes for young adults and in prisons
-people with disabilities: Le temps du rêve in Switzerland
-communities in exile: Kitchen#Pristina with young Albanian, Kosovar and Bosnian adults
-adult sex workers: Quand je passe in Switzerland