From February 22nd to March 13th, 2022, Le Commun, Geneva

The exhibition Danse(in), récits de migration is the fruit of a year's work at the Les Tattes (Vernier), Rigot (Geneva), Anières and Praille-Gavard (Carouge) collective accommodation centers for migrants.
Danse(in), récits de migration retraces the work accomplished during the workshops, performances and other activities carried out as part of the project, and celebrates the heart of the project: its participants. This hybrid event celebrates the diversity of creations through powerful and intimate works in a space that apprehends migration as a shared experience.
The exhibition featured numerous staged and live photographs by Jean-Baptiste Bucau and Sherkhan Borghini; a series of 10 intermedia portraits entitled “ça aurait pu être pire” (it could have been worse) by Brice Catherin, presenting samples of stories told during informal encounters; ceramic objects created during workshops organized by the Ariana Museum; and magnificent sound poems and podcasts by Sebastiao Victor Da Silva Ambrosio and Leonard Elobo.
A two-storey tour that allowed many visitors to step into the heart of the sensibilities of the migrants who took part in the Danse(in) project.
In partnership with the FIFDH, the exhibition Danse(in), récits de migration was pleased to host part of the festival's program. The Geneva Red Cross Centre for Cultural Integration unveiled an ephemeral library within our exhibition, which was also an opportunity to discover Consens:us, the latest performance by Ioannis Mandafounis exploring the theme of migration.