

« The real world of men is that of culture, of responsibility, relating to others, of transformation of the world as it is and of the capacity to distance oneself. »
- Christian Ruby

Overseas Culture Interchange comes from the desire to bring together art and democratic values. In order to realize this goal Overseas Culture Interchange wishes to work primarily on the following themes: culture & citizens and culture & Solidarity.

Overseas Culture Interchange aspires to initiate artistic projects with partners from all artistic and cultural disciplines in order to encourage everyone’s access to and participation in cultural life, without exception.

The most valuable aspect of culture is that it allows people to think about their situation, their identity, to communicate their thoughts and their visions to the world, and to become catalysts of change. Artistic practice gives groups of people the occasion to think about their rights and their responsibilities. Cultural and artistic projects belong to the time they exist within, and oppose violence. It is necessary, therefore, to understand how to make the practice of art and culture democratic.

To do so Overseas Culture Interchange wishes to develop artistic projects in Switzerland and abroad concerning arts in diverse areas such as hospitals, prisons, unfavorable conditions, etc.

Overseas Culture Interchange is an initiator of collaborative projects, with local partners and contributors; it is not a “ready to use” project-sponsor , because we believe that the best way to keep the value of a project intact is to evaluate how it will benefit its target audience. Art requires total investment and thus justifies itself. Artists are engaged with the material with which they work, on a quest to find what it can give, the manner in which it will be transformed, transform us, and transform others.

Rapport d’activités 2023